
The LateĀ Philip Schorr, Ph.D.
Our Late Founder, Philip Schorr, spent his career working in property management, development, and relocation programs for public and private agencies. RMA and its associated companies were started by Philip Schorr in 1960 after he had worked for ten years at the NYC Housing Authority and then on a few projects for Robert Moses, including the clearing of the site on the upper west side of Manhattan where Lincoln Center and Fordham Law School now stands. He started the Relocation Sheridan OZ Fund in 2019. He holds graduate degrees in Public Administration from New York University. He is a Professor Emeritus of Public Administration at Long Island University and a former Executive Director at the Center for Real Estate and Community Development at L.I.U. He authorizes two books, Planned Relocation and Critical Cornerstone of Public Administration. He received a Presidential Citation from President Ronald Regan in 1987 for Promoting Affordable Housing.